Cam Lo Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The Cam Lo - Mo Hai Stream section, Cam Lo District, Quang Tri Province (E = 16°47' N; E = 106°58' E). The formation bears the name of the stratotype area.
Synonym: - Hệ tầng Cam Lộ: Nguyền Xuân Dương et aí. 1977 (P2 - T1); Đoàn Nhật Trường (Phạm Kim Ngân et al. 1995 - P2). - Permìen de Cam Lo: Trần Thị Chí Thuần, 1962. - Hệ tầng Cam Lộ (part.): Nguyẽn Văn Hoành et al. 1985; Vũ Khúc, Bùi Phú Mỹ et al. 1990 (Pj). - Loạt Bắc Sơĩì, phần trên: Nguyễn Văn Liêm, 1978 - Hệ ìớp đá phiến Cam Lộ chửa tập hợp Leptodus: Phan Cự Tiến et al. 1986 (P2)
Lithology and Thickness
Claystone: and Marl: Stratotype is (1). Carbonaceous shale, ycllowish-grey clayey shale interbedded with greyish-violet sandstone and siltstone, some poorly preserved plant remains were found in the carbonaceous shale. 140 m thick. (2). Dark grey marly shale with thin lenses of black-grey limestone interbedded with greenish- grey, yellowish-grey clayey shale containing secondary limonite and ferruginous concretions, 60 m thick. The total thickncss of the formation in this section is about 200 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Unconformably upon the Upper Silurian Dai Giang Fm in type section. Regionally, the next older unit is the Bac Son Fm.
Upper contact
Its boundary with younger units is unknown. Next younger regional unit is the Dong Trau Fm volcanics of Anisian.
Regional extent
Uncertain extent within Quang Tri Province.
Waagenites wongiana, w. soochowensis, Leptodus nobilis, Transennatia graciosa, T. cf. margaritata, Spinomarginifera Icueichowensis, Uncinunellina jabiensis.
Depositional setting
Additional Information